This is Our Huggable Yoni Gel 🌱
Are You Sick Of period Cramps ? Bloating ? Fatigue? Heavy Periods? & Boating?
This Yoni Gel May Assist with Balancing PH , cramps ,may improve uterine tone ,may Regulate Cycle , may Lighten Periods &More .
Ingredients: hydrate Base, Syzygium aromaticum Oil , Origanum majorana Oil , & Something Extra for My Ladies .
🤍💕 I Got You Ladies Hug Those period Symptoms!
These Are 5oz !
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease(s). If irritation or breakout forms, stop the use of the product immediately and contact your primary care physician. Designs and colors may vary, but the ingredients will remain the same.